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A lot of this is stuff most of us get, but I always enjoy a good explainer, especially when it includes video shots from phones being dropped 300 feet by drones.
Not to mention lines like:
There’s another physics concept to take into account: deceleration, commonly called “smashing into something.”
I'm just gunna say my little conspiracy...
Puts on tin foil hat
Apple had some backhand dealing in that phone being found and is pushing the idea of being able to survive a plane crash to sell more iPhones. Its all a huge PR move
Removes tin foil hat
This was an interesting read. The only time I've managed to damage my phone by dropping it was when it fell out of my pocket getting out of my car, landing face-down on gravel. A stone cracked the screen (I say that, it was actually a screen protector, the real screen was fine).