Danny Sheehan is a "constitutional and public interest lawyer, public speaker, political activist and educator."
He has an impressive CV: https://www.danielpsheehan.com/curriculum-vitae/ Notable court cases include Pentagon Papers Case, Watergate Burglary Case, and the Iran-Contra Affair.
He has over 20 hours of course material about the JFK assassination: https://www.danielpsheehan.com/ucsc-2013-jfk-assassination/
Go watch "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick" if you haven't already. If you have, does this flow chart seem familiar?
Danny also runs the New Paradigm Institute, doing the same thing for the UFO/UAP topic. Read about it here: https://newparadigminstitute.org/about/
Some of the facts he mentioned on VETTED podcast below that would be "verifiable" include:
  • A craft crashed at Roswell
  • It was a disk, not a weather balloon
  • There were bodies and debris brought to Wright-Patterson AFB
    • "Take the disc to Wright Field, bring the bodies.."

UFOs and ETs being real and on Earth should not be surprising or unexpected to you at this point, you should be adapting your worldview to fit these in now.