I've been thinking about how bitcoin works and applications people are building. And I wonder if it's use can be expanded further into real world, manipulating reality around us. Try thinking about these 2 interesting ideas about bitcoin . Using output scripts you can lock btc value behind a computing problem. Computing problem, no matter how complex has to resolve to True, for value to be moved and be locked under next problem. For example, such most often used challenges or problems nowadays are: "create signature, that is valid under this public key" - OP_CHECKSIG or "provide secret preimage number, which is when we compute hash function on it, result is equal to this value" - OP_HASH + OP_EQUAL. First example is equivalent to saying "I am who I say am" in the real world, and therefore I can decide where to move locked/owned value next. Second example, I argue, is equivalent to making a statement "I have this object that nobody else has" .
From other point of view, just publishing such open computing problems on the blockchain, creating utxos that can be spent this way, creates incentive as strong as amount of btc value locked, to do everything necessary to solve those problems and obtain/unlock btc value.
There is strong incentive exist right now to become Satoshi and claim all btc, that he mined early on (so happens it's nearly unsolvable problem, which is great) In case of find-preimage problem, in Lightning for instance, it creates incentive for your peer to contact next peer to seek this preimage, spend effort, own capital, construct next htlc etc.
Now imagine when preimages would represent and can be strongly bound to real life goods or services, for example by encoding with barcode or RFID label or in case of expensive goods even TPM/HSM protected. In a business relationship supplier <-> delivery company <-> customer, customer would want to obtain a product from supplier and would be willing to lock his btc behind computing problem, that may look as follows. I may have made a syntax or other error here, pardon if so, but it should convey overall idea. (<sig> <customer_pubkey> OP_CHECKSIG) AND (<preimage> OP_HASH160 <hash_value> OP_EQUAL) which would mean customer and product have to come together, meet in the same point in time and space for this computing problem to resolve to true. This creates incentive for anyone and everyone to facilitate this to happen, yet supplier and delivery company have best chances, because they can get their hands on product, which contains preimage, and if they do the necessary to deliver it to customer, problem resolves and they can unlock/spend this utxo.
This is very rough explanation. Above construction could use a timelock, for sure. With btc script becoming more expressive, L2's, etc I think more real world business scenarios can be put into script.
Would you agree that this is how future bitcoin-based economy may look like? It may be no longer about army of lawyers, veryfing paper contracts with force majeure clauses, purchase orders and reconciliations, endless dispute resolutions. It's either there is a utxo, backed by scarce asset, with carefully placed incentive to do something useful in the real world, and then cogs can begin turning or there is none. Do you perhaps know other attempts already made, to use some digital representation of real-life entities as input to locking script to facilitate trade or other business activity?