words are powerful things. not only has writing here on SN made me see that better through all your comments and notes, but the way you talk to yourself is another sort of power that the Universe also takes into account.
whatever you think and perceive about yourself, or anything for that matter, will come into fruition eventually. when the Universe thinks you're ready for something, trust me when i say that the timing is right every single time.
i manifested love, and we have been going strong for almost five years. i manifested living in japan, and i am here right now, finding out that is not for me long term. i manifested to be more confident, stronger willed, and more clarity within my heart and soul. and that is exactly what i got in the past month and a half.
those have been the most life changing events for me, and here are some things i would like you to take away when trying to bring your own desires into reality:
  1. Be both thankful and grateful to whatever Higher Power or Entity that is at work.
Be genuine when you say this. This also goes for whatever blessings and opportunities that have come your way so far. Be mindful, aware, and give gratitude.
  1. Stay positive and optimistic.
This is always easier said than it is done, especially when feel like the things you want are so far out of reach. But as long as you continue to keep faith, they will come to you.
  1. add "right now" and write down your desires as if they have already happened.
I watched this video the other day talking about how your subsconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is fake and what is reality. so long as you keep feeding it with positive thoughts that are bringing you desires "to life" that is when they become real!
use words to your advantage whenever you possibly can. they can guide you toward the path you're meant to be on if you let them.
Words are spells for sure. I have become very aware of how I speak and it has changed my life tremendously. Thanks for the great post.