It's not a link to another post; it's not a link to my podcast, it's not an article off-site, it's a note of writing, only for Stacker News readers, because I feel like it.
When I write my stories, I think a lot about writing as a function of consciousness. Something that comes up often in my stories, as either a theme or a cryptic subtext, is the intersection of fiction and propaganda. I know the mechanics of propaganda, or perhaps -the physical actions of propaganda-, because I'm a fiction writer.
This is what happens: One gets to a place in one's mind where what one knows ends. Standing at that place, one makes decisions.
  1. Back out because it's too much work right now and there are other things to do.
  2. Use scientific method to get more facts and information and take knowledge deeper.
  3. Let your imagination fill in the gaps of knowledge and create a story that can inspire new technology, new approaches to issues, and social commentary.
  4. Create a false narrative to deceive the population in order to create, or maintain an unearned position of wealth and power.
Those are the four essential decisions. I call it the quadrant.
You're welcome. I'm Herschel Sterling and I'm here to help.
Ok. stack sats.
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