What’s an nsec? How do I keep it secure? Why do I need a browser extension to use this? Do they work on my phone? Why can’t I join this alby thing? Why do I need to be referred? Oops I lost my super secret thing I was told to keep secure, how can I contact nostr support to recover my account? Why do all these apps talk about NIPs? What are NIPs anyway?
^ Things the average user will likely say when trying to use nostr.
Maybe it’s not too technical, but I think it’s a long way from being usable for the average human.
What's a browser extension?
This seems shady. Is it legal?
Where are the celebrities I want to follow? I just see a bunch of weirdos talking gibberish.
What are all these error messages?
What are relays? How do I know which ones to connect to?
Why's that racist frog everywhere?
I want to use the lightning bolt thingy. How do I attach my credit card?
Some story as for bitcoin privacy: BTC 100 million users but shit the blockchain is so fkng public!
Let's try coinjoin. Now we are 10k weirdos mixing our shit with together, stirring the pot pretending it doesn't smell.
Coinjoin is not respectable: let's try funneling a few sats through LN... turns out not even LN sender privacy is that good.
How do I fix LN privacy? why not testing out an obscure layer 3 solutions like cashu. By this point the crowd got so small that we all know each other. Not very private I guess.
At some point there are only like 12 of you and 8 are probably feds.
It's different and new, yes. One must learn new things. It's not technical or hard to get. It's just new.
But I understand there's a hurdle. So is learning facebook or twitter or whateverthefuck. Takes 5-10 minutes to get acquainted.
Will gramma 70+ get an account? Nope. She needs your help with tik-tok.
I mean, come on.
I agree, it's a new concept. Identity by Encryption is new for most people. But this method is worth pursuing unless you enjoy KYC every platform on the internet. Which is the preferred choice? Want to buy those pretty hand made shoes, shirts, oils, soaps? That may cost $5 but require an ID to use the platform to buy is your choice. whereas, you can go to your local supermarket and buy it with cash.