Joke of the day:
A cowboy dies and, he was a bad fellow, he goes straight down to hell. When he gets down there the devil is waiting. The devil says, 'you have three choices for ways to spend your eternity. Do you pick door number one, two or three?' The cowboy says, 'Let me check what's behind door number one.' The door opens and he sees hundreds of people standing on their heads on a wood floor. 'I don't want this,' he says, 'let's try door number two'. The door opens and he sees hundreds of people standing on their heads on a hard cement floor. 'Woah! I don't want to spend the rest of my life like that! What's behind door number three?' The door opens and he sees hundreds of people drinking coffee, and having a good time, but they are all up to their knees in horse poo. 'I'm a cowboy, I'm used to horse dung. I'll go with door number three,' he says. The devil hands him a cup of coffee and introduces him to the crowd and leaves him to it. After ten minutes, the devil comes back in and says, 'Coffee break's over. Everybody back on their heads.'
Excellent joke. Look up how to do markdown through latex. Put headers and space it out a bit. It will be easier to read and you will stack more sats.
thanks friend, next time I'll customize it that way.