I am in a little village on Crete with limited internet access and still cannot open the 'vexl' wepage. But what I read so far on X' it sounds interesting
I have a personal distaste for mobile apps when it comes to bitcoin finance but I might consider if it broadens the crowd.
Understandable. But the extreme push of the legacy system toward KYC now is really crazy. And I hear it again: 'it's so easy now with the ETFs' or: I have my 'coins' on Binance.
It may have changed since then, but last time I looked at robosats the market to transact BTC to JPY or JPY to BTC was not quite there, same for other platforms like Bisq. Furthermore to pay on Internet in many cases it was a hassle without a credit card or without installing a non open-source app to do a bank transfer. So what remained as a choice was cash. And with Vexl you can use it to create your peer to peer network to transact with cash and sell or get bitcoins.
With Vexl also you can ask the identity of someone so you are pretty much free to choose any means of transaction. It could be BTC to gold, BTC to JPY in a cafe or meetup. Vexl favors these kind of physical ways to do exchanges like this and with Vexl this is at your discretion. With robosats I think this is more Internet focused.