So given the high onchain fee environment, I'm thinking of staking some sats in L-BTC and running a node just to experiment with it, however I'd like to know beforehand how much space does running a liquid node takes and if you need beefier hardware than for running a bitcoin node. Does anyone know?
if you run a lightning node already, liquid can help you rebalance the channels with peerswap. pi4 8gb with extra 30gb ssd space is enough. check this:
You will need a desktop computer with at least 4GB of hard disk space available to complete the installation.
I tried to find this but apparently my google-fu is not very good :) Thank you for the link. I've installed it on a 12GB 6 core linux container about 2 hours ago. So far it's 38% synced.
Just to let anyone know, it took just over 6 hours to fully sync the 22GB of data.
Phew! Shame on me.
It seems, we both were replying in synchronisation.

👀👀 My Comment Above

That's awesome you've applied 12 GB 6 core Linux. It won't take more than 8 hours.
Now to figure out an Electrum server implementation for it...
it only takes 10-20 gb but it takes longer to sync because of the confidential txs
Thanks. Looks like I'll be spinning a Liquid node then.