Is this a prediction Category? I see trump 2.0, legend of snail, saylor visited my dreams, and tesla's flop Era. Just a wee bit confused by this. Sorry if this is so noob.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 28 Apr
Yes, it's a territory for predictions. You can uncollapse the banner in ~oracle:
A territory dedicated to predictions. Share what you think will happen in the future and preferably include why. Don't worry if you might be wrong. We're not here to judge, we're here to share what we think about the future, however bright or dark, boring or conspiratorial, likely or unlikely it might be. We're here to make mistakes and own them.
awesome, then I can put charts here
No, its for the company oracle. Lol
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 28 Apr
lol, I never made that connection before