Lots of my fellow grad students were from Asia. I was so impressed by the ones who came over with no social network in place and barely speaking any English. One of my best friends ended up being such a person.
I've lived all over the US, which isn't nearly as adventurous, since we all speak English and live under some of the same laws. There are many cultural and environmental differences, though.
Also, being on your own in a new place, is still a valuable experience, even if the place isn't all that foreign.
For sure.
Would you say you are a composite of the typical personalities representative of the states you lived in or remain your own person?
Would you say you are a composite of the typical personalities representative of the states you lived in
Not really. I think I largely maintained my core personality.
You are untainted by your surroundings lol
I have become that, but only because I was so firmly shaped by my initial surroundings.