Articles of Interest is one of those podcasts I would never have thought needed to exist (or that I'd care about) but that I find fascinating. It's a deep dive into clothing, with shows ranging from the history of pockets to how to create Cher's closet/software program in Clueless.
The latest episode is on modesty, something I'd thought was simple, and which is nothing of the sort. The focus here is on how Islam, Judaism, and Mormonism in particular have dealt with clothing and modesty, how they've interpreted and changed their stances over times, and how individuals have reacted to them. It's riveting, and includes everything from Iranian women protesting their Morality Police to a Mormon runway model dealing with some of the conflicts between her faith and the job.
The newsletter page for the episode has some cool links and additional material (as well as the embedded podcast episode if you don't use Fountain), but it's the show I'd recommend. One of the better episodes of any podcast I've heard in a while.
(Posting here and not in ~Podcasts because it's really about culture, and if there were a full transcript, would be worth a read by itself.)