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Who are the people that control XMR? And how do they unfairly benefit?
XMR has nodes and miners that follow a set of consensus rules just like BTC does. It's not just another smart contract token with a pre-mine where the contract is loosely defined or able to be changed by a privileged few.
Montero can't be audited. That means it is fundamentally untrustworthy, because you can't verify the inflation peomises. Bitcoin fixed that already.
It can be. Please see XMR sub for how. 🙃
It CAN be audited. However, an inflation bug could exist without being detected. If an inflation bug was exploited in BTC it would be obvious.
Auditing that can't detect an inflation "bug" isn't auditing you can trust.
Agreed. I never hold XMR for more then a couple minutes so if I get debased in that time, it's an acceptable tradeoff for me.
Using a money like a hot potato because of its flaws does not bode well for that money's long term prospects.
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