I believe cries for ossification are not genuine and are rather just a defense mechanism for people who don't understand (or care) about the benefits and downsides (aka tradeoffs) of a BIP.
It seems to me that people who scream for ossification are just defending against a social narrative attack (aka judging BIPs against the BIP author's personality), which is fair enough actually. As much its been said that we should judge code by its merits rather than its author's personality, I do think people have good reason to be afraid of narratives that don't reflect the reason a BIP is merged, popping up as a result of the soft fork.
Jeremy Rubin decided to prove (rather than dismiss) this fear when he decided to throw a fit at core and opened a PR to remove BIP 119. I swear if that PR went through, I'd have half a mind to submit it again (not that I would be able to maintain it). I'm not sure what the license on that code is, but hopefully its the kind that lets you fork it like that just so I could show Jeremy that he can't go around pulling stunts like that.
Good analysis