It happened to a friend of mine when he mentioned bitcoin in a nixpkgs group, it kind of started a flamewar with typical anti-bitcoin arguments... A part of the community seems very woke...
Probably why the nix-bitcoin project exists, and why we need to learn flakes to be more independent from the package repository watchdogs. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, I can certainly see a malicious bitcoin core being pushed to nix packages. I do like the flake system, but apparently it has some problems.
Also, I noticed the nix software center (the frontend flake I found for installing nix packages and flakes) doesn't find the fort-nix-bitcoin project. Its probably unmaintained. I don't know how to fix it though. Flakes themselves are very often used with many layers of abstraction (like with dream2nix)
I myself have been thinking about forking NixOS, but I know there's no way in hell I'd be able to do that especially on my own. I had momentarily thought of making a "RubyOS" that installs packages using the Gem package manager lmao. The problem of course being if there are any breaking changes between ruby version (which I have never encountered myself, but the fear of that is problem enough)