The presence of different perspectives shouldn't ruin a space. It's the ones who act in bad faith, or overtly try to promote their project or spread false statements.
You can argue that discussion is promotion. But if you're able to bring strong arguments, I believe you can actually affect change in people's beliefs after repeated and long-form explainations.
Some people get tired of arguing after years in the space and their time is better spent building their echo chambers and selling their books. Twitter is great for that.
But it's nice to have a free space where those of us with more patience can see what bad ideas are circulating and deconstruct them in public.
You wouldn't go to a knitting forum and pay to advertise your erectile dysfunction pills, not unless you wanted to waste your money and time. Shilling shitcoins among maxis is equally nonproductive. It's true there should be some way of suppressing these kinds of posts, but the same applies to any other sub-teen spammer wanting to harass or post porn.
The fact that porn isn't spread far and wide on SN is a testament to the effectiveness of requiring payment to post.