There are plenty of dummies on SN but the ratio compared to other sites is much lower. Was on Reddit looking at something and wow are the comments dumb, low IQ nonsense.
I really appreciate the stackers
It really is astonishing how much better this community is.
Considering how toxic social media has become, is it hyperbolic to speculate that @k00b may have saved the world by creating Stacker News?
Yeah. I still go there sometimes for niche questions and for some pop culture analysis, but I haven't actually gotten into a discussion there in months, and I wouldn't even dream of looking at communities like r/bitcoin these days.
I remember how bad the r/cryptocurrency Reddit got when people started hella farming before Reddit pulled the plug… it had been pretty decent till moons blew up and immediately straight to the trash can. Not sure if it ever rebounded cause I couldn’t be bothered to deal with their BS anymore
I deleted all my Reddit content and then account going back 12 years I think.
Yeah tomorrow I plan on using that software/strategy that was posted a few days ago about deleting it! Fuck Reddit and its data collection!
Reddit does have a lot of content, though. Just have to try not to read the comments.