Need to make it irrational to post spam/troll.
Single digit sats isn't expensive enough.
šŸ’” Posting should require posting a bond. And then we all bet our sats on certain bins of unwanted behaviour. If we all bet on the same bin, those betters win the pool of all bets + the bond.
Then that user gets a little red X that says they lost # of bonds.
Then nothing else happens.
Nobody is censored.
Incentives are more aligned.
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @om 1 Aug 2022
Love the bond idea.
But this:
And then we all bet our sats on certain bins of unwanted behaviour. If we all bet on the same bin, those betters win the pool of all bets + the bond.
is not resistant to Sybils who will all bet on the same bin.
Instead I propose that there's a button to punish the poster for X sats but it also costs X. So if you zap the poster for 10 sats then the SN pool receives 20: 10 from you and 10 from the poster's bond.
Ah, good point re: sybil.
Albeit the suggestion to "zap" is a bit of a lose-lose.
Bond is returned after some arbitrary period of time.