There is so much that we miss in the present moment because we are worrying about a future that doesn't even exist!
My things to be grateful for today:
  • my son, bringing me coffee in bed so I could have a lie in after the dog woke me up at 2am.
  • the dog, now taking a nap after being up most of the night meaning I can quietly get some work done without him trying to distract me!
  • the sun trying to peek through the clouds, meaning it is warm but not too warm so I am able to finish power-washing the back garden later
  • the calmness and power that silence holds
  • my ability to observe rather than react
There are more, however I am not sure people want to hear about my conversations with the trees!
Here is a picture taken of the beautiful sunset I encountered the other night and made my son take a snap of as we were driving!