I did go a bit wild on the AMA zapping and commenting. I am slightly baffled by the calculations used. I don't get how david (nothing against david) keeps finishing so high when he posts 5 times in a month and makes maybe a 100 comments and doesn't zap much. I know he usually has one big post per month that does extremely well but why does one post that is a top post for the day and generates say 30k sats outweigh 30 days of posts that generate a total of 50k sats?
I know they want to incentivize quality and detract from people spamming to try to get rewards but I think quantity gets punished too much. Regular posters are the lifeblood of SN.
It's very non-linear. I'm guessing he's got the top post spot, especially with who is likely zapping him.
I agree that it's a bit unbalanced, but he does put more effort into his posts than I do and they're of greater interest to most stackers.
I still think rewarding zaps directly makes more sense than rewarding content directly.
Totally agree. His posts are great and I am not suggesting he shouldn't be rewarded for his efforts I just find it a bit odd.
If I were to speculate about k00b's mindset in setting it up this way, I'd guess that he chose a rewards function that was simple to work with and mostly yielded the results he wants, even if it excessively rewards the top person in each category.