These are great, great notes told from my target customer perspective, the "AI newby".
Regarding Alex Epstein idea, yes this is very possible and something we are ideating on how to implement perfectly.
Thanks for the bug and UX reports about new chats, deletion, etc had no idea about those.
Prompts are indeed confusing! Example page would be great just need to get to it. I would like first build in some detection for when people are actually trying to use it. You are the first that has even bothered to talk about it.
Yes, we do allow you to go negative, but only for one query. After that you will need to pay up again! We will probably refine it so that you can't go negative at all in the future. It was just kind of an easy way to implement because the cost of each query is so variable we don't really know if your next query is going to cause you to go neg.
Thank you again for these amazing and passionate notes! Please let us know if/when you have other feedback. Follow me on twitter @mattahlborg as that is where I'm most active if you want to connect further!