Where did you come up with these rules? I can understand numbers 2, 5, 6 and 8 however the others I feel the need to question.
  • What is the purpose of talking more slowly? Sometimes when we are passionate and/or excited about something we speak faster - when people do that with me, I can feel the buzz that they have with something and I join them in that excitement. I think there are situations where speaking slower can help, but you can figure this out by following "rule" number 2 of observing more.
  • Speak less? Why? Now, I can understand this if speaking means that you aren't listening - however it took me a long time to find my voice after being silenced for so long. Speaking less didn't help me or others around me, in fact it was a hindrance. Again, we can judge this by observing more and deciding if we need to speak in the moment or listen.
  • Trust no-one? What is the purpose of this? Does this mean that no one should trust you? Does that mean that you are not trustworthy and therefore you cannot even trust yourself?
  • Control your ego, urges and anger. Do you mean, have control over your emotions? And what do you mean when you say control your ego?
  • Family over everything. I'm split here. I can understand why this rule would be here, but for me it doesn't necessarily ring true. If you asked me to choose the family that I was born into over everything then I would laugh at you and walk away. If you asked me to choose my kids over something, well that I would do.
I genuinely would love to hear more of your thoughts on this list. I am typing tired, so I hope I haven't come across anyway abrupt as it was not meant that way at all!