Anyone have a recommendation for a wifi router that supports Wireguard VPN and providers like iVPN & Mullvad? Asking for a friend.
I assume you are hoping for some different responses other than those found in #487304 ?
I forgot about that post... been rather busy with other things and just getting back to this. Thanks!
Know the feeling. Look forward to reading the write up once you’re up and running
Have my old travel router working with Mullvad. Firmware was way old.
For those coming later to this post.
Both look promising. I have an older revision of the Slate but I haven't used it in quite some time.
I use the second one. Quite good. It even worked after I put it in the washing machine by mistake. The major con for this router is that each upgrade removes previously installed packages, which makes upgrades a hassle. In my case I need the ds-lite package for example, I always have to reinstall it after each upgrade.
Besides upgrade issues, it is a good router and lightweight.
Thanks for the feedback!
I have an older GL iNet router I'm going to test out. I like that their travel routers.
gl.inet products
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