You obviously don't know much about either the network functionality or its history
don't give me that shit. If I only knew about the protocol... no. It's a US company. The BRICS countries will not tie their currency to a US company.
Regardless of anything about the "network" or the "funcionality", if you think they would, you'd have to think the part of the world that is actively being fought by US imperialism and is creating that currency to literally get AWAY form the US are fools.
Exactly 💯 Ripple is a US company which btw is one of the very few managed to win a lawsuit against the deep state SEC (US gov institution) so in my opinion shouldn't be underestimated + we all need to admit they did a good job with the efficiency and speed of the network
go check again how states work.
The BRICS will choose a system that isn't in danger of having to have a fight with any US regulator, that can't get its documents subpoenad by any US agency, that can't be made to give access or hand over data, that can't have their offices raided by US stormtroopers and that aren't otherwise dependent on US structures. That is a 0% chance for ripple, then.
I will take a bet on that. But not in ripple.