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Isnt this bike beautiful? It is called a cinelli laser. Not many were made, especially a laser pursuit frame. The bike was made by Cinelli, if you are a bike person you have heard of this brand. The painting is from Keith Haring. Together, it is a rolling masterpiece. @TNStacker just posted about a piece of art inspired by the same artist! #528294 If you want to read more about the artist and this bike: https://www.pedalpedlar.co.uk/blogs/thejournal/art-and-bicycles-keith-harings-cinelli-laser-a-1980s-masterpiece
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I appreciate the design but my back hurts looking at it
Hey, there is a TV show called BONES, it is really good!
Yes, you arent meant to ride this bike for long, it is for short fast races. But they are supposedly very comfortable, as long as the bike is sized for you.
The main character is gorgeous
The guy? David Boreanaz?
Emily Deschanel
David B is also attractive
Oh haha My bad, l thought you were into guys.
It really is beautiful!
Yes, it is. They only made around 300 of them. This is the only one with Keith Haring's wheels.
His artwork blows you away at times! This is a masterpiece. If you are a bike guy, Cinelli Laser is one of the top bikes. If you are a Keith Haring's fan, you notice his deft touch!