If you want to know what anti-citizen politics looks like, you have to look to Germany these days. After an orgy of tax increases at the turn of the year, in which the toll was raised, the CO2 tax was increased and the gastronomy VAT was hiked back to 19%, on May 1st, flight taxes rose by 20%. The working middle class is once again being left to fend for itself in order to continue to support the ever-growing bureaucratic state with its welfare state, which stifles any form of performance orientation. The socialists of the FDP, Greens and SPD are always proceeding gradually, so that the shocks of the fiscal burden are not so noticeable. Germany, a country in economic decline, is being ruined in this way.
"Policy madness" is a great phrase.
Guess who voted for those who are in charge now
I wasn't involved
Somebody did
80% are still voting for the SED bloc parties like they have had a brain amputation