pull down to refresh

You can restore a Samourai wallet into any version of Sparrow (even the 1.9.0). You would simply have to specify the correct derrivation paths when you input your 12 word seed:
Deposit: m/44'|49'|84'|47'/0'/0' Bad Bank: m/84'/0'/2147483644' Pre Mix: m/84'/0'/2147483645' Post Mix: m/84'/0'/2147483646' Ricochet: m/44'|49'|84'/0'/2147483647'
Hope this helps!
You can restore a Samourai wallet into any version of Sparrow (even the 1.9.0). You would simply have to specify the correct derrivation paths when you input your 12 word seed:
Deposit: m/44'|49'|84'|47'/0'/0' Bad Bank: m/84'/0'/2147483644' Pre Mix: m/84'/0'/2147483645' Post Mix: m/84'/0'/2147483646' Ricochet: m/44'|49'|84'/0'/2147483647'
Hope this helps!
If you still need help, feel free to come to our Discord server and we can help you out. There is an inv link at our website: https://www.oldcity-bitcoiners.info/
  • Miki
Nice link! I read some other posts of those in OP's situation and they used sparrow wallet with the pre mix and post mix derrivations listed above. Perhaps if there was a password as well thay would have to be added as an extra word.
Great link, bookmarked!