I met up with a friend yesterday and we have that kind of friendship whereby we meet up as to not look too socially awkward when we are doing something with the kids that makes us slightly uncomfortable. We don't talk much to each other really, it always starts off with the "hows the weather" conversation just to break the awkwardness and then we move on to very surface level 'chit chat'. We had a couple of beers and then he surprised me when he started talking about how much help I had been and how he couldn't have gotten through some times without me being there. To me, the times I had helped, the acts were so minute that I had forgotten about, but unbeknown to me they had a huge impact on his life.
That was a long way of explaining why I think the 'small things matter'. Choosing to be kind in every moment will not impact us much in the short term, but over a course of a lifetime will have not only a huge effect on those around us, but will change us in ways that we never knew were possible.
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A perfect illustration. Thanks for sharing it.
you are more than welcome :)