In the Bitcoin timeline there are different obstacles to take and there is not one but many steps that need to happen for broader and broader adoption. Some of them can be influenced by individuals, some of them require group effort and some of them are done by the invisible hand and just take time.
Lets have a look at the white paper, it says: "Commerce on the Internet has come to rely almost exclusively on financial institutions serving as trusted third parties to process electronic payments."
I always wondered why people are so hyped by nation state, and classic commerce aboption... if were honest: What is the actual advantage of bitcoin in paying for groceries in the supermarket as opposed to physical cash? It is the INTERNET where Bitcoin is the strongest. On Bitcoin meet ups we tend to celebrate when we pay for our beer with Bitcoin but in the rest of the world a payment is always a secondary issue, something that happens "on the side". This will never change. Hyperbitcoinisation will be, apart from the face melting price action, the most boring thing ever.
My thesis is that, as of now, one of the biggest problems is the DX (developer experience) as a web developer with the lightning network. Payments and auth with the lightning network have to become the most natural thing on the web first and then we can talk about "brick and mortar". For this to happen we need to make the libraries and the workflows for the lightning network much more intuitive and easier to use. Also, the smart devs need to come up with accessible patterns on how to facilitate payments do that the bulk of the midwit devs, that make up most of the workforce, can start adopting.