Today I posted this #531235 in ~ideasfromhedge and for some reasons my post has not been found under the territory when I filtered it for the Zaprank. Idk know if that's a glitch or algo thing.
What I do know that my alm other posts in oher territories can be found with a Zaprank filter used. While this is one of my posts that did better in terms of getting zaps by stackers, I thought that it must be under the 'hot posts' but it's not, so this prompted me to see if it ranks lower in the territory, bit I could only see the list being empty. My post only displays when I change the filter to Sats. Is it normal or there's some issue?
I humbly request @k00b or may be @ek to have a look into this. Here's a screenshot of the page where I searched my post.
You are searching it in top post catagory. Search it in recent catagory
Haha! If it shows in recent and hot category why doesn't it show in Top category.
There's some issue... It should show everywhere when using filter.
I can't find it here either. It must have a negative ranking 😂
What's the negative ranking?
just joking ...
Negative ranking occurs when the number of downvotes exceeds the number of upvotes.
Yea, that's 🤣
Seriously tell me what may be causing my post not to show up there?
i think it's a bug
What! A bug 🪲 this colour or 🐞 this one?
haha they are just pulling your leg.
Who? Who are pulling my leg?
I swear, I will also pull theirs..haha
Pulling your third leg? Lol
Sorry, my third leg has already been pulled for today and TBH, I don't have the fourth one.
If you want, you can pull my hand...
Do farts come out?