I am happy to meet few microcontrollers enthusiasts here. I am also a big fan of M5 stacks, esp32 for various use cases. I must say a big thank you to Ben Arc. I love all of his work. His work inspired me and redirected me to experiment with microcontrollers for bitcoin.
I really need to check out the esp32. I have a couple of reactive lighting projects using esp8266 and the extra horsepower and BLE in the 32 looks sick. Love love love seeing cool bitcoin embedded projects 😄
Yeah, the horsepower of esp8266 is next to nothing. I love to see your lightning projects using esp8266. Please share if you can. But esp32 is a bit promising compared with esp8266. I wanted to check if esp32 can create a mesh lightning network with microchannels using neutrino. It is definitely possible with raspberry pi Pico
That sounds dope