That's right, my grandmother's husband was Spanish and he fled to Venezuela in the 40's or 50's, I don't remember well, and he always told us what the predictions were for Venezuela if the left remained in power, many took him for crazy and They said a phrase that I hate today: "Venezuela is not Cuba, that is not going to happen to us." My grandmother wanted to leave Venezuela back in the 2000's but my grandfather didn't want to, he told her, "you don't know what it's like to emigrate", I guess because he was very old and didn't want any more hustle and bustle in his life, he was comfortable , but it was a big mistake not to have emigrated at that time, in the end I had to wait to be of age to be able to leave. Going back to that phrase that I hate, and the argument of the people who support the left in their countries is "Argentina is not Venezuela", "Peru is not Venezuela", "Colombia is not Venezuela", "Chile is not Venezuela" The truth is that I don't know if they say it because they are in denial or they are simply ignorant idiots; I just ignore their comments, they are too opinionated to have a decent debate.
Tell me if this is true:
The first thing Chavez did in 2000 was expand the Supreme Court. Next he made gun ownership illegal.
In March 2004, the carrying and use of firearms was suspended for a week on the eve of a march against the violation of human rights during protests demanding a recall referendum against Chávez. Yes, it is correct that the supreme court also expanded in 2004 if I am not mistaken.
Then in 2017 "The ban on carrying weapons for Venezuelans occurs less than 24 hours after the country's president, Nicolás Maduro, announced the convocation of a Constituent Assembly, a decision that has been rejected by the opposition, which considers it a consolidation of the coup d'état by the president.
"I summon the original constituent power to achieve the peace that the Republic needs, to defeat the fascist coup and so that it is the people, with their sovereignty, who impose peace, harmony and true national dialogue," said Maduro." Information taken from a journalism page.