Found the issue. Worker isn't picking up .env.production for some reason.
eek 😬 what does that mean for salted emails?
The salt isn't in .env.production fortunately.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 May
Fixed. The worker was loading env files from its parent directory .. but pwd was already the parent, so it was looking in its grandparent.
... now I have to figure out how fix all those missing entries in the search index ... and all the unproxied images.
Thank you for the update and the de-brief!
Last resort: indexAllItems
But maybe you could just craft a manual one-off DB job to index a range of items, if you can figure out when the outage occurred. Seems only about 48 hours worth, roughly.
Not sure about the image proxy...
OK I'll stop being prescriptive now :)
Oh, right! Whew