I've expanded on my super-judgy client presented back here at #527164. You should now be able to zap a hard-coded amount of 2000 sats. Why always 2000 sats?
My goal is to create a client that encourages:
a. more diverse usage of nostr in these early days b. better content with the expectation that zappers might actually dish out real money
If anybody tries it out and can't get it working, let me know.
Big thanks to @bitcoinplebdev for pointing me in the right direction on getting zaps working. Don't blame him though if you disagree with the style or philosophy of the client. There was no endorsement involved.
Let's go, nice job! I was just about to message you to see if you got the zaps working after yesterday
Yeah, I think the next step will be to make a version that's doesn't have the aesthetic appeal of a pre-teen magazine circa 1992 and filter out all the Mastodon (not even really sure what that is) posts per @StillStackinAfterAllTheseYears's apt observations.