"Als Reaktion auf die Döner-Inflation möchte Die Linke eine „Dönerpreisbremse“. Ein Vorstandspapier, das von Kathrin Gebel, der jugendpolitischen Sprecherin der Partei, eingebracht wurde und dem „Stern“ vorliegt, legt fest, dass der Imbiss zukünftig nicht mehr als 4,90 Euro kosten darf. Die Mehrkosten, die dabei entstehen würden, solle der Staat übernehmen. "
My translator says that Green people want to cap at 4,90/kebab for 'young people' and that this should be funded by the German taxpayer.
Surely young people can crack a few eggs in a kitchen?
German people paying for the ineptitude of the government/banks by putting caps on a kebab, this is laughable and pitiful at the same time.
But that's the intellectual level of german politics...
I actually believe these politicians are really smart, and they know exactly what they are doing. They are posing/acting in front of a crowd that, they are convinced, is not their intellectual equal. They naturally think they can fool and gaslight us as they wish. Unfortunately, most people still can't see that the King has no clothes.
No. Most are dumb