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Video Description

In this video, I discuss the problems with tokenizing real-world assets (RWA) and putting them on a blockchain.
RWA, whether tokenized or not, still need to rely on the existing judicial system and the police for enforcement of ownership.
By contrast, the Bitcoin network itself enforces ownership of its native asset, BTC.
Most tokenization schemes are just decentralization theater, with some premined tokens thrown in for the venture capitalists.
In most cases, you would be much better off using a centralized database (for speed, efficiency, UX) rather than a blockchain.
The one exception is Bitcoin-- blockchain plus distributed proof of work as the means of bringing neutral money to the world. Bitcoin's decentralization ensures that it cannot be controlled or captured as it could be if it were just running on a giant centralized database.
My wife can't stand this guy's voice lol
That's how my wife feels about Jordan Peterson.