One partial solution is to spend BTC instead of selling. Try companies like Bitrefill orThe Bitcoin Company.
And I would like to force buyers to put payment reason / message like "I am $MY_LOGIN_ON_TELEGRAM @ telegram". Don't even have to mention bitcoin (so bank cannot use bitcoin as pretext to close bank account), just link the BTC buyer and payment sender. Although this does diminish buyer's privacy, data from bank and telegram could be user against buyer. The ideal setup would be to buy by cash deposit (perhaps money order in the US), and then write the message on the receipt and send photo of the receipt to the seller. This way, bank doesn't learn anything.
At a minimum, platforms like lnp2pbot and Robosats should warn sellers about this risk and possible countermeasures. I quickly checked Robosats and saw no warning. I am tempted to open an issue about this at github.