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Foundling Hospitals

All State maternity hospitals are actually “foundling hospitals”. Foundling is a place where abandoned goods are shipped to be discarded, at which time someone else can take ownership.
This means the parents, primarily the mother, are tricked into abandoning their newly born child.
So, this is done when you have just been “berthed” and taken by the doctor, who then lifts the baby or offspring up from the “mothers water” so that the baby does not touch land, thereby placing the newly born baby under the jurisdiction of maritime law.
This “lifting of the baby” is done immediately after birth, requiring the abrupt cutting of the umbilical cord, which results in trauma being unnecessarily applied to the new born baby, or offspring.
The umbilical cord should never be cut, but left attached to the new born baby and will separate naturally when the time comes.
Note: The word “offspring” is based on the Latin word “prolificus”, meaning to be “prolific”, or to make “offspring” which comes from Middle English “of-spring”.
The origin of a river, which reaches the sea, is a spring; you “spring” from your mother’s water.
Once this action has been carried out by the doctor, the baby has now become “abandoned goods”, which breaks the bond between mother and child.
This is all carried out on a hospital “ward”; ward is a prison term.
Note: Prisoners are securitized commodities, with their prison paperwork being monetized, generating millions for the private prison corporation. Children are treated the same from birth.
I had no idea that the umbilical cord should not be cut and is discarded naturally, always learning with you, thank you!
Your train of thought is both ridiculous and dangerous. Got news for you, the umbilical cord is attached to the placenta which is no longer required to feed the baby nutrients and oxygen post-partum - this is where breast milk and breathing air takes over. There is some debate on when to clamp the cord prior to cutting, but there is no debate about cutting the cord, which has been done for millennia. Umbilical cords can strangle the baby, get infected, and cause other health concerns that REQUIRE it to be severed shortly after birth.
Furthermore, "offspring" comes from Old English. Not Latin.
"Ward" also comes from Old English "weard" meaning guard. It has evolved to mean guard, position, and direction. Ward is no more a "prison" term, than award, forward, inward, wayward, or outward. But your post is most definitely backward.
It seems that you are on admission of revealing every fake thing or people in the world. I really appreciate your posts and am leaning so much from you.
Thank you so much.
What an incredible piece of writing! Being a woman I didn't know about it. Thanks 4 telling me the truth.
Is it a confusion spread by doctors or it's self-made? What do you say?
This is a masterpiece and every mother must learn about it in time. Between 1 to 3 weeks the cord will become dry and will naturally fall off, this is the reality which is kept hidden from all of us.
Here's the proof.
As always, you are greatly infectious with your myth Busters.