the focus needs to be on drastic improvements to default wallet privacy across the ecosystem,
Agree. But how? I mean how does bitcoin remain bitcoin without an open ledger. Any real security (confidential transactions, etc) will require some type of sidechain construction.
I suppose he could mean that wallets should all implement coinjoin / payjoin somehow....I'm not sure?
aggressive investment in regulatory change (and not through lobbyists focused on securities regulation for crypto token issuance),
I share this feeling, but well it rubs me the wrong way. Are we saying we're reduced to begging the state for permission now?
and operation of scalability solutions across the world, not just in the US.
I honestly don't know how to parse this? Is LN a scalability solution? Is it only available in US? (not being snarky, I just not sure what is meant here).
we're reduced to begging the state for permission now
Not necessarily. Another way to look at it is "work with the tools you have. improve the environment you're in."
It's all well and good to consider how a utopia could occur, but it's more in line with the realities of our ancestors that things were improved gradually
Have you tried tap root? I have tried but it’s complicated