I just have to laugh once in a while at some things said on reddit. Imagine only believing there are only 21 billion btc, and sats couldnt be bought..
LOL a lot of people think that, just the other day my uncle asked me how people trade this thing if 1 costs 60k, where do they get all the money from? When I told him you can buy fractions his brain couldn't compute, i think the idea of fractions just freaks people out, as if shares are not fractional ownership
Peoples brains are mush
I just find it funny sometimes. At some point, we were ignorant like this, too. We just nutted up and educated ourselves.
How did this ignorance even manage to get more than 250 upvotes?!
Im sure it has a lot more by now. The comment below is gold. hahaha "look at this dude only buy wholecoins" hahahaha
What! Reddit is looking an adda of children now.lol