Significantly, the Nasdaq report does not mention Bitcoin even once. This disproves the myth that Bitcoin is the main tool for money laundering.
How can they mention when they don't have any proof. They are just running a propaganda against decentralized money, Bitcoin.
the ineffective KYC-AML measures fail to stop the big money launderers.
They will become more ineffective as more people start hating fiat for its faults.
I believe, money isn't the matter of state. It should just be a matter in the hands of people and let them decide where to use it. This will do one thing for sure that fiat say dollars or any other state currencies will become irrelevant and there will be no laundering.
We know and the authorities, as they call themselves, also know that Bitcoin can't be laundered since it can be easily tracked like every digital payment. It's only paper trash that's giving rise to criminal activities.