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"The Definitive Guide to Happiness"

A groundbreaking new approach based on a decade’s worth of research and brought to life with beautiful artwork, New Happy shows you the proven path to happiness.
We all want to be happy, but happiness always seems to be out of reach — until now. In New Happy, happiness expert and social media sensation Stephanie Harrison draws upon hundreds of studies to offer a life-changing guide to finding the happiness you have been looking for.
It’s not your fault if you are unhappy. You have been told three lies: you’re not good enough; you need to achieve fame, wealth, and power; and you need to do it all on your own. This is Old Happy, our society’s false definition of happiness, and it’s making us miserable. In this book, you’ll learn the truth: you are enough, you have unique and important gifts, and using them to help other people leads to your happiness.
New Happy is your step-by-step guide to building the life you want. Accompanied by revelatory artwork that explains key concepts, Harrison takes you through the process of unwinding Old Happy, uncovering your own gifts, and using them to both improve your life and the world at the same time. If you have ever asked yourself, “Who am I really?” “When will I be happy?” or “What am I supposed to do with my life?” this book is for you. Through an inspiring blend of art and science, New Happy will show you how to find the happiness you have been looking for.
Through an inspiring blend of art and science, New Happy will forever change the way you see yourself and the world. Learn more

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  • Free Keynote Speech (20k value) — Transform your organization and your employees’ well-being with a powerful talk from Stephanie.
  • Behavior Change Program — A multi-week email training program to help your employees cultivate their well-being & tap into their greatest strengths. Learn More

New Happy will help you to finally experience the happiness you’ve been looking for. I can’t wait for you to read it.

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