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Not going to lie: I've still got a few floppies lurking around that I find it hard to part with.
Oh man, I love floppies! I used to use them to play games, and having one in my backpack in all the time to save stuff on. 128mgb! Whenever I think about floppies, I remember this picture.
I can still remember when zip drives came out... such massive storage!
I remember zip drives looked nice, and were self contained. II always thought that was cool, but many places couldnt use them!
Ouch, that would be a painful situation.
Computers back then didnt fail like they do now. They probably never even needed to use it.
Very true. I've got 90s era stuff that's still ticking along without anything other than a good dusting and some new thermal paste, and five year old computers that have already had major hardware failure. I know some of it is all the old defective equipment has already failed and been trashed, but a lot of it was better overall.
I mean, you could shut them down and restart them and usually they worked. I dont think I ever had an old computer glitch out and not work. I also remember having to clean the mouse often with rubbing alcohol.
When I got started on computers CDs were in use, so I never really used floppies like many people have. However, my hobby of keeping old computers and operating systems alive has given me a lot of good excuses to use them still! I also like zip drives as well.
Man, I was such a dummy. I really thought Zip disks were going to be the next big thing. In my defense, I was about 15, and I actually still think they're cool as fuck. Nevertheless, time has not agreed with me...
Zip disks were cool. I still have a bunch of Zip disks and floppies laying around that I can’t seem to part with. I even have USB drives for each so I can still use them if I wanted.
I'm the same, I have a drawer full of old storage media going clear back to 5-1/4" floppies! I still use them all every now and then.
They are really interesting! But just like a lot of other good technologies, they came out at the wrong time. CDs and flash media never gave them a chance.
Do you remember the cases that used to roll? So you could browse your floppy disc collection?
I'm not sure, I can't picture exactly what you're describing. I've always used a couple of the flip top plastic cases that I got at a yard sale somewhere, they hold 20 or so of them.
Make sure to backup the data in those disks.
Physical media only lasts a few years, a few decades at most. Same with CDs, DVDs, etc.