• Public network capacity increased from 4,040 bitcoin on July 1 to 4,451 bitcoin on July 31, representing a capacity increase of 10.2%.
  • Total nodes on the lightning network increased from 18,371 to 18,387, which was flat growth for the month, although active nodes (those online with at least one active channel) decreased from ~15k to 14.7k
  • The number of public payment channels on the lightning network increased from 86,601 to 88,710, representing an increase of ~2.3%.
capacity increase of 10.2%.
Damn. Those are mom growth numbers
I read that as "mom" and didn't quite know what to think for a moment 😅
But yes, 10% M-o-M 😂🚀
lmao, sorry :D
Any thoughts on which actors drove July's growth? Exchanges, wallets, pleb nodes, etc.?
Interesting that we saw this level of growth in a bear market.
Thanks for the question. I am getting this data aggregated, surfaced, and presented on the site right now and will get back to you with a better answer in the next week or so!