By Peter St. Onge
For the first time in our nation’s history, 30 year olds are doing worse than their parents. The American Dream is dying before our eyes.
They are just waiting for their parents to kick the bucket so they can get the inheritance. Biggest rug pull ever would be a breakthrough in longevity and the boomers life expectancy jumps to 120.
As a GenX-er, it would be very appropriate if they somehow engineered the longevity breakthru so it only worked on boomers. That way they could still be President as 80 year old GenX-ers died in nursing homes
America's going to bankrupt itself trying to keep the Boomers alive forever.
It seems like Canada has different plans for them, though.
Haha indeed.
This was my favourite title of any of my posts. Like nicknames, I try to pride myself on good titles.
The boomers werent the healthiest generation, though. What are Canadas plans?
Read @grayruby's post from the comment above.
Oh, right. I remember this post, it was one of the first I wrote on!
I really wish the Rat Utopia experiments weren't as applicable to our society as they seem to be.
Total gibberish, nonsense. Growth is not uniform, but naturally accrues disproportionately to those responsible for the growth.
So purchasing power in real world terms is massively up, while percent of wealth is down because others are up even more.
A failure to understand basic economics that are self-evident is why organizations like Mises and so called libertarians wrap themselves up in masturbatory theorizing and fail to grok bitcoin -- it is arguably closer to Keynesianism through its need to be part of a collective, institutionalized, authorized set of beliefs than it is to bitcoin.
LARPertarian is what I will call them from now on.
Do you feel like taking on an argument that was actually made or do you want to stick with your strawman and ad hominems?
It has to be. New generation are more liberal and if they have excess of money that don't give fu'k to work.
It has to be. New generation are more liberal and if they have excess of money that don't give fu'k to work.