Just a quick rant about socialized medicine.
My wife wanted to reschedule a doctors appointment with a specialist because it is one hour drive away and she didn't want to drive in the snow. The appointment is next week and the first available date for reschedule is not until next September so of course we will not reschedule, keep the appointment and just drive in the snow. (we live in a ski resort area, snows a lot in winter and sometimes roads get closed)
This is not the first time I have been flabbergasted and appalled by how broken our public healthcare system is. My dad needs an MRI and he is having to wait 9 months. We are hoping to get him bumped up because his doctor is concerned his health is deteriorating. If not possible I am just going to drive him to NY state and pay for the MRI out of pocket.
Canadians are suffering and dying under this awful broken system but god forbid you breathe a word about expanding out of pocket services or privatizing certain things to ease the burden. You might as well be a Nazi in Canada if you aren't pro public healthcare. It's the worst case of stockholm syndrome I have ever seen.
Meanwhile, the government is expanding medically assisted dying services! You just can't make this shit up.
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No one opposes nationalized socialized medicine like a national socialist.
There's no surer sign of a cult than preferring death over outside options.
It's absolutely ludicrous.
It's truly bizarre how so many normies in USA think Canadian healthcare is better than ours.
All part of the "more government good" indoctrination campaign.
Because they think they are getting healthcare for free but you are paying a ton of taxes for it. Now I don't think the cabal of medical insurers and big pharma with their hands in everything is that great either but if I am suffering or have a potentially serious illness, I would like to be able to see a specialist and get tests done sometime before I drop dead. This idea that if I pay out of pocket for a service, I am somehow cheating a person who can't afford it out of that service is insane.
If doctor's can earn more by having private clinics, more people will become doctors. If the market demands more access to MRI's for instance, companies will make more MRI machines, more clinics will purchase them and more people will learn how to use them, maintain them etc. If I pay 1k to have an MRI done at a private clinic, that is one less person on the waiting list and the person who can't afford 1k moves up.
Public healthcare is so entrenched in the Canadian psyche that we are never going to just tear down the wall and have a free market. Need to slowly brick by brick change the system so people can learn "services x and y became optionally private and actually my access and services got better and it did not adversely effect those who could not afford to pay, maybe we should try z service as well."
I will leave it at that. Don't get me started on the public healthcare unions and their influence in politics. We will be here all day. Haha.
Besides housing is completely broken, so they could expand MAID to those unable to pay their perpetual mortgages or struggling with interest rates, the banks can add a click to maid button upon logging into the mortgage account. Read a story about a iranian guy in toronto who wanted to MAID it due to unable to find housing.
I forgot they added the In to get the MAID acronym instead of the MAD acronym so that it sounds like taking you out is a great service. Don't get me wrong, I am not against it in some instances but your example is a perfect one. Are we going to get to the point where people will be so destitute and desperate they prefer just to die and the government will say sure "we got you".