How Big Business Broke Recycling (And Blamed You)
A point I clung on to in this video, was how before disposable containers, Americans used reusable containers. I think this is an important consideration in Bitcoin economic trade, charge for the container, and discount for reuse. I think this will work with Bitcoiners, because Bitcoiners are always looking to save sats, but the FIAT minded typically don't give extra thought to a few cents.
Water is a pretty simple problem to solve. Just get a filtration system and reuse bottles for more water. However, if someone is willing to pay for you to filter all the water and refill all their bottles, why not serve the market demand.
Other liquids maybe aren't so simple. A farmer selling milk would have to charge for the bottle and then have a refill price. This refill price should clearly outweigh the price of using a disposable container. However, there is a catch, milk goes bad and can stick to the sides of the container. So there's a cleaning cost.
Tupperware instead of disposable togo containers also has a cleaning cost. Mason jars and canning would run into the same issue.
I posit to you Bitcoiners, can we get a mass cleaning process down that allows us to replace the disposable market with a Bitcoin-only reusable market?