PRAYER OF THE DAY - Proverbs 18:20,21
O Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, we approach You on this new day with gratitude in our hearts. We recognize, O Lord, that the words we speak have power to shape the world around us. So we seek Your wisdom and discernment as we open our lips.
May our words be sources of life and blessing for those around us. Grant us the grace to edify and encourage with our speeches, bringing light and hope to hearts in need. May our mouth be like a spring of fresh water in the desert, bringing refreshment to those who are thirsty for love and compassion.
O God, purify our lips from every word that could cause harm or sadness to others. Help us to hold our tongues in moments of anger and frustration, and to choose kindness and peace over discord and conflict. May our words always be seasoned with love and grace, reflecting Your divine nature.
Also grant us the humility to listen attentively, without judging hastily or responding with anger. May we have the discernment to understand the needs of those around us and the empathy to put ourselves in their shoes. May we learn the art of constructive communication, which unites hearts and strengthens fraternal bonds.
Lord, may every word we speak be a reflection of Your love and Your truth, guiding us on the path of righteousness and justice. May we be instruments of reconciliation and peace in a world marked by division and hatred.
In the name of the Love that teaches us to speak kindly and the Wisdom that guides us in all things, we pray.
The passage from Proverbs 18:20-21 reminds us of the power of words and their consequences. It says: "With the fruit of his mouth man fills his stomach; what his lips produce satisfies him. The tongue has power over life and death; those who love to use it will eat its fruit." These verses warn us about the importance of choosing our words carefully, as they can bring life or death, blessing or curse, both to ourselves and to others.
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