Hey @k00b quick question. Do the rewards stacked from the prior day factor into the ranking algorithm for the current day?
I see they are included in the stacked for the current day so wondering if they have an effect on the rankings for that day.
132 sats \ 6 replies \ @k00b 14 May
They don't factor in. The only thing that factors in is posting/commenting/zapping.
I noticed something strange the other day, not sure if it's a bug or intended, but zapping items from the previous day didn't get me on the leaderboard. Is that how it's supposed to work?
Yes, currently we only attribute zaps on items from the current day. We intend to change that but that's how it works today.
Interesting. I didn't realize that either.
Thanks for clarifying
Thanks for clarifying!
That's what I figured. Thanks for clarifying.