@davidw made a similar content and it makes me think I might be missing something, or at least that I didn't explain my idea well.
If you aren't here one day, then you aren't getting rewards either way. If you come back and make a great post, and zap other people's stuff, then you'll have a new hat which will make you rewards eligible again.
The only scenario where this seems to matter is if you make good content, but don't zap other stackers. In that scenario, I'm perfectly happy with not getting daily rewards. That person still gets all the zaps from their posts.
Definitely agree about folks who don't zap not getting rewards.
I'm assuming that person coming back and making a great post is also participating in SN by zapping and commenting as well. But I thought that a hat doesn't come until the next day, so after daily rewards?
Pretty much each comment should have a zap, unless it is really in left field, right? Thats how I feel at least.
But I thought that a hat doesn't come until the next day, so after daily rewards?
Gotcha, in that case I need to amend my proposal to be that you become rewards eligible once you've earned a cowboy hat, whether or not you have one.
It's been a while, but I recall finding my cowboy hat during the middle of the day.
90 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 May
It's been a while, but I recall finding my cowboy hat during the middle of the day.
Yes, this is the case. You immediately receive a hat when you meet the requirements. It shows up as "new" then.
Ah, thanks! I hadn't realized it was an insta-get.